Orville Lerew

Leo C. Huss

Stella Stevenson Juul

Joie K. Gjernes

Martha Brodie Severance

William H. "Bud" Kennedy

Marvin Melius

View from the back of the Faulkton Legion Hall. (At the top) WWII Veterans are recognized for their service. 





HOMEFRONT: South Dakota Stories

Faulkton VSO Hosts Homefront South Dakota on August 12th!
Three SDPB staff members were invited by the Faulk County Veterans Services Officer, Wayne Vetter, to bring the Homefront South Dakota preview film screening event to Faulkton, SD on Sunday, August 12th.  Attending from SDPB were Sherri Rodgers Conti, Ruth Bylander, and Chuck Beck. This was the second community visited in the Homefront SD project.  Wayne did a nice job of promoting the event to area veterans and local citizens, resulting in an audience of 48 interested individuals! The event was promoted in the local newspaper, on flyers posted in local buildings, and was announced at the American Legion meeting.

Several veterans of WWII were a part of that afternoon's audience,
as well as many who remained at home during the war, and their war-era stories were recorded and will be archived on this web site. There were two veterans who were three-war veterans, and one veteran who is a Pearl Harbor Survivor. In addition, we met a woman who served as an Army Nurse, and a 96-year-old woman who has meticulously put together a scrapbook that pays tribute to the 20 men from Faulk County who lost their lives during WWII. Upon visiting with a Vietnam War veteran during the event, we learned that Faulkton's VFW hosts a group of disabled veterans from across the country each year for a hunting trip in the Faulk County area.

 SDPB's visit to Faulkton was very rewarding. We give a round of applause to our host, Wayne Vetter, VSO; to the American Legion and their custodial staff for the wonderful venue; the VFW and American Legion Auxiliaries for providing refreshments; to the people in Faulk County who do so much to honor the veterans, and to the individuals who shared their stories. It was an opportunity for SDPB to collect WWII stories, and the veterans have our deepest appreciation for their service and for sharing their war experiences with us.