South Dakota Public Broadcasting is dedicating this web site as a point of contact to the personal heritage of our region. This is a place to share your experience about significant times in history or about the people and events that have shaped your life. “Dakota Stories” are your contribution to our collective personality and life experience.
The stories in this web are told from the simple premise of “What was it like for you?” In your own words rather than filtered through the perspective of experts. It is the Internet version of an oral history. This site is intended to live and grow through years to come. And although this is an Internet archive, many of these stories are also told and shared through South Dakota Public Broadcastings Television and Radio channels and through our Educational and Outreach to classrooms and learners.
Contributions to date are grouped under specific themes like “Homefront: South Dakota Stories” stories from the World War II era as told by those who were in the service or on the home front.