Elwood Carlson

Merle Eng

WWII Veterans, 2007

Vernon Brown of SDN Communications greeted the guests.

Elwood Carlson of Sioux Falls saluted the audience.





HOMEFRONT: South Dakota Stories
Senior Center for Active Generations

Center for Active Generations and Active Conversation! Sioux Falls, September 20, 2007
The Homefront South Dakota preview film screening was attended by 92 very active participants of various generations! Lisa Howard, Director of the Center for Active Generations in Sioux Falls, extended the invitation and three SDPB staff members came to the center ready to meet and greet. By the time we set up and finished lunch, the screening room was already half full! The participants ranged in age from under ten years old to over 90 years old. One veteran even came in his uniform and shared some of his war time experiences. Vernon Brown from SDN Communications, one of the local sponsors of the project, greeted the guests.

The conversation that followed the screening included stories of one woman's work collecting plasma in case there was war at home; the rich camaraderie built over regular coffee gatherings of some of the guests as they compare notes of their experiences; and humble remarks that veterans were only doing what seemed to be the right thing.

Thanks to Lisa and her staff for giving us the opportunity to visit!