Ralph Munyon
Harold Combellick
Medicine Rock Senior Center, Gettysburg
Sherri Rodgers Conti, SDPB Education and Outreach Director,
introduces PBS Previews THE WAR and explains the Homefront South
Dakota project.
Gettysburg resident, Ralph Munyon, shares his WWII
experience during the post-screening discussion.
South Dakota Stories
Medicine Rock Senior Center Hosts Homefront South Dakota on
August 13th!
SDPB staff members were invited by the Medicine Rock Senior Citizens
Center's Director, Kay Joachim, to bring the Homefront South Dakota
preview film screening event to Gettysburg, SD on Monday, August 13th.
Attending from SDPB were Sherri Rodgers Conti, Ruth Bylander, and Chuck
Beck. This was the third community visited in the Homefront SD project.
We had a nice audience of 14 interested individuals! The event was
promoted in the local newspaper and on flyers posted in local buildings.
There we met a gentleman who is an Iwo Jima front line survivor and
several individuals who recounted living on the homefront during the war
SDPB's visit to Gettysburg was very rewarding. We give kudos to our
hostess, Kay Joachim, the Medicine Rock Senior Citizens Center for the
wonderful venue; and to the individuals who shared their stories. It was
an opportunity for SDPB to collect WWII stories, and the veterans have
our deepest appreciation for their service and for sharing their war
experiences with us.