HOMEFRONT: South Dakota Stories
Clarice Weiss, homefront
Sioux Falls VA Medical Center

Glen and Clarice Weiss, 1943

Wilson Group, Crew #28
 (Glen A. Weiss pictured lower right)

Glen A. Weiss, WWII

Kay is pictured wearing a fur coat that her husband, Glen, arranged for her sister to buy Kay for Christmas 1943 before he went overseas. She's standing with the turkeys she raised to earn a little money and to keep herself occupied while she waited and prayed for her husband to come home. Glen, a bombardier, was shot down over Germany on Jan. 11, 1944, and by the time this photo was taken Kay knew he was alive in a prison camp.


The Swenson Ranch as it looks today. It is located near Opal, SD which is 40 miles SW of Faith, SD in Western SD.

This photo was taken at the site  where Kay lived with her sister during the harsh winter and thaw of 1944 (late January through April).

They stayed in a  tiny room on one side of a lean-to structure attached across the front of my mother's one-room country school.  The front door of the schoolhouse opened into a short hall that led into the classroom; a coal room was off the hall to the right, the teacherage (room for the teacher to stay at the school) was to the left. The room was so small my mother could almost spread her arms and touch opposite walls at once. The room had a fold-out cot (full size), a small table and chair, a shelf and a wash stand. Also it had a stove she could use for warmth or cooking. In the winter of 1944, while roads were impassable (for large distances), my aunt (Kay Weiss), who taught at another one-room school 4 miles north, would spend weekends in the teacherage with my mother, arriving on horseback. It was a memorable winter for the two sisters.

 She's holding a tiny bouquet of wildflowers that now magically grow and mark the old trail she and her sister traveled in their parents' 1936 Chevy. The trail was the route used to get to this school site, and to go beyond to the Opal, SD store and post office, and further along to Kay's school. When the blizzards came, they used this trail to stay in touch with one another and neighbors via horseback and on foot.


 SDN Communications Black Hills Power