Tony Schatz, 2007
Branch: United States Navy
Military Service: September 23, 1942 - October, 1945
Highest Rank: BM 1st Class
Audio interview
Tony Schatz (Interviewed by Randall Barrett, SDPB Radio)
Tony Schatz holds an article given to him by a group of German POWs.
The German POWs were transported by the USS Block Island in February
of 1944. The article was made by the German prisoners during transport.
Article given to Tony Schatz by German POWs.
Article given to Tony Schatz by German POWs.
Hat given to Tony Schatz by German POWs.
Survivors of the USS Block Island at Casablanca. Tony Schatz,
indicated by arrow, survived the attack and was rescued by
the USS Aherns. (Photo provided by Tony Schatz.)
Tony Schatz was aboard the CVE 106 which transported these British
and Australian Prisoners of War to the Island of Manila.
(Photo provided by Tony Schatz.)